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50 Journal Prompts for Your Health Journey

Writer's picture: Latoyia Baskerville-SmithLatoyia Baskerville-Smith

Health to me means to be in a balanced, positive state in my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Health to me is not measured by a number on the scale, a certain size clothes, or a rigid set of rules. Being healthy to me is sticking with the choices that are best for my overall well-being in all of these areas of my life. That means eating right most of the time, for my physical health, but not setting unrealistic expectations for myself, or being so rigid that I can’t enjoy junk food every now and then.

This flexibility and grace allows me to enjoy life and helps with my mental and emotional health. Being healthy means speaking positive words over myself and not allowing negative self-talk to sabotage my day. This helps to maintain my mental health. Being healthy means connecting with God daily through prayer and meditation, and this helps maintain my spiritual health. Being healthy is a daily balancing act, but one that is well worth my time and effort.

Utilize the journal prompts below to journal your health journey.

1. What does it mean to you to be healthy?

2. What have been your biggest health struggles while being at home?

3. How has your mental health been?

4. What has been giving you anxiety?

5. What are your biggest fears during quarantine?

6. How has your physical health changed?

7. What weight trends have you noticed recently?

8. How has your diet changed since spending more time at home?

9. What is causing you the most worries?

10. How has your exercise routine changed?

11. Are there any home workouts you have tried?

12. Pick at least 3 new at-home workouts you can try in the next week.

13. Pick an exercise you can do with others you live with.

14. What do you think is the most important aspect of nutrition?

15. What are some healthier food items you can add while at home?

16. To improve your nutrition, try adding some structure to your day, then journal about your experience.

17. How have your cravings changed since you have been home?

18. Do you feel you are a boredom eater?

19. Have you noticed any emotional eating tendencies?

20. Go outside to walk and get fresh air, then journal how you feel afterwards.

21. What is a way you can embrace and take advantage of being at home?

22. What are the main sources of your stress lately?

23. What are some stress relieving activities you have tried?

24. What hobbies have been keeping you busy?

25. How are you dealing with your kids’ health and wellness while being at home more often?

26. In what ways are your kids getting exercise?

27. How are you focusing on proper nutrition for your kids?

28. Try creating a new daily routine that encourages healthy habits.

29. What are 5 things you miss from before you were quarantined?

30. What are 5 things you look forward to when things get back to normal?

31. Name 5 people you can’t wait to spend more time with.

32. What are 5 things you can be grateful for right now?

33. Make a list of healthy snacks you can add to your diet.

34. How have you been socializing lately?

35. List some ways you can reach out to people more.

36. What is something you have always wanted to try?

37. If your productivity is suffering, what are some reasons you think that is?

38. Give yourself a break – what are some things you believe you have done right?

39. List self-care activities you have participated it while being at home.

40. List some NEW self-care activities for your shelter-in-place time?

41. What is a creative activity you can try while being at home.

42. List the main things that have been on your mind lately.

43. When you think of how you spend your time when you are bored, what comes to mind first?

44. When the shelter in place orders are lifted, what is a way you can get out more?

45. How has quarantine changed your mindset?

46. What do you think you took for granted before quarantine?

47. Have you read any books while in isolation?

48. How do you think life will be different moving forward.

49. What are some changes you have made that have improved your health so far?

50. List 10 ways you can be physically and mentally healthier while at home.

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